Tuesday, January 7, 2014


       I follow a lot of other Mommy blogs and I loved how a lot of them put a year end recap. I wanted to do this so badly and I tried very hard. I had filled out most of our events over the last year, but certain months were missing since I can't seem to remember where I have placed my old calendar. I have gave up hope in finishing it, but 2013 will stand out in my mind as a BIG year. I will never forget this year as we brought home our sweet baby boy. This was a year of transition as we adjusted to being parents of two children. It also was an adjustment to get used to running on very little sleep, boy was that a very difficult time of 2013. Having a colic/reflux baby who is still waking throughout the night and a rambunctious toddler is something I didn't think I would make it through. Now looking back I realized that God used that time to draw me near to him and reveal to me things about who he was shaping me to be. 2013 will also mark the 1st year we got to take a real family vacation and also the 1st time to ever get to take the kids to the beach. It was so wonderful and we have so many great memories and we are looking forward to getting to do it again. I look back on this year and no matter what trials, or hard times we had to face this year I can't help but look back on it and see how blessed we are, and that makes me very thankful!

        I have been following another blog for awhile and have enjoyed her daily pictures/posts on what has been happening in her life over 2013. I thought it was such a unique way to document your life and children over the year that I am making that my challenge to do over 2014. I am excited to look back over 2014 and see how we documented each day and how the kids change/grow over the year. So here is my first post on our first week of 2014.

Week # 1
Day # 1~ First day of 2014 was spent taking down Christmas decorations and getting to spend our last day with Daddy before he goes back to work. What is a family picture without a fussy baby that doesn't want to sit still and a toddler playing dress up and not smiling ; )
Day# 2 ~We are missing Daddy since he had to go back to work today, but are spending this snowy 2nd day playing kitchen and trying to share ; )
Day # 3~ The weather has been in the negatives so we spent the day nice and warm inside playing and having a dance party. Wearing our Ohio State shirts supporting the buckeyes in what will hopefully be a win tonight.

Day # 4~ Spent the morning with my two loves playing and then running some errands this afternoon all by myself.

Day # 5 ~Today was spent relaxing and enjoying our time together as a family. The weather has been so sold and with the predicted snow we stayed in instead of going to church. I will miss the days when I can no longer rock and cuddle any of my babies to sleep. It is such a sweet time with them.

Day # 6~ With the below zero temperatures we stayed inside all day and played and cuddled up with blankets. Ella played Mommy to Carter and decided to wipe his face since he drooled and for once there was no fighting between the two of them ; ) 
So far 2014 is starting out nicely, despite the weather. I have loved getting to just be stuck at home and having time with my two little loves!

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