Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Small Moments of Joy that keep you hanging on

Things have been rough lately ....

Boy are hitting the three year mark no joke!! oh and did I mention that three year old girls are really no joke!! I feel like sometimes I am just surviving day by day with the daily battles with her and when they hit 1. I feel like pulling my hair out 2. I want to cry out and pray over her teenage years 3. I have to deal with the incident. I realize that she is three and is going to behave like a three year old but I miss the days when there wasn't an every day battle about every 2.5 seconds. The other week I had just had my limit with the not listening, whining, and attitude and I was just having a bad day. I looked forward to putting her to bed and having a break until the morning but in the middle of my upset she saw the moon and said "Look Mommy there is your moon! You love me to the moon and back!" Right then and there I instantly melted and stopped and realized that God gives you these sweet moments in the middle of the battles to help you be able to hang on. 

I feel like God keeps speaking to me through these moments of joy with my kids. It is not easy to have these daily battles with her and also have her one year old brother going through cutting teeth but the moments of laughter and sweet little sayings make you feel like you can conquer anything and we can conquer these trying times. 

Despite the frustration and wanting so badly for her to turn out to be a good little girl who listens and obeys and doesn't whine and have an attitude of a teenager I see a glimpse of the sweet good girl that I hoping comes out at the end of this. I am loving the little person that she is becoming and I love watching her develop and learn things each day. It amazes me how quickly she can pick up things but then boggles me that she can do the same bad thing over and over again and not learn anything despite the consequences. As hard as it is for me to wrap my mind around at times God reminds me that I can do the very same thing. God continually tries to teach me things and I continually screw up even when I know what the right thing to do is. 

I am trying to find joy in each of these moments with my babies because I know this is time is just a season... even if it at times is a rough season I can hang on because I know that this will soon fade to another season... I am so thankful for this time with them and pray over them daily. I know I will miss these days..

Hang on Momma's there is a light at the end of the tunnel... 

Would love to hear your thoughts or if you are battling these same struggles so don't be afraid to leave a comment.. Us Momma's have to stick together ; )

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